Mr Green’s guide to skiing etiquette

Since Mr Green was a tiny tyke, his adoptive parents used to take him to Northern Italy once a year to enjoy some quality family time on the slopes. Every season they would rent the same cosy little cottage, completely tugged away from civilization and surrounded by some of the most stunning vistas.

For tradition’s sake, Mr Green returns to that same little cottage every season and hits the trails to quench his thirst for adrenaline. Unfortunately, blissful days like these, can be easily ruined by fellow skiers that choose not to observe the basic rules of skiing etiquette. So Mr Green has curated a handy list of dos and don’ts on the slopes that every gentleman and lady should abide by.


Don’t be a daredevil

Ducking under the barrier of closed trails won’t magically turn you into an irresistible daredevil or chick-magnet on the slopes.  There’s a reason why closed trails are…well, closed. No matter how advanced your skiing skills are, certain trails are simply not considered safe enough to ski on. Respect the rules and restrictions on the slopes and act as gentlemanly as you would on home soil.


Respect novices

Bear in mind that not everyone is a skiing pro, so respect novices and ski school groups and allow a wide berth. Blasting past a group of newcomers is not only dangerous, but it can also ruin the skiing experience for newbies. Remember, even you were a beginner once!


Gondola Manners

You may be outside, but if you’re crammed in a tiny little gondola, suspended 50 meters in mid-air with no way to escape, respecting your fellow ‘Gondola-ians’ is very important. Do not use foul language or have personal conversations and save your Cuban cigar for later.


Give right of way

Just like you’d follow the right of way rule on the public road, the rule also applies on the slopes.  No matter who cut of who, the skier in front of you always has the right of way. It’s ultimately your responsibility to be aware of your surroundings and to react accordingly to avoid a collision. Plus, you probably don’t want to be responsible for someone’s broken arm.


Help your hill-mates

If you see someone struggling to get down the slope or a fellow skier wiping out so spectacularly that they leave boards, poles and skis sprawled across the slopes, give a helping hand. After all, you are a gentleman


Dec 28, 2016