Mr Green ‘Clean the Sea’ Project

It’s well-known amongst Mr Green fans and players alike, that adventure and entertainment lay at the very heart of the gentleman himself – Mr Green. But it doesn’t end there, he also has other interests that are less well known. Amongst other things, Mr Green is a true environmental friend. That’s why in collaboration with the University of Malta and the International Ocean Institute, Mr Green will in the summer of 2017 take measures that contribute to a cleaner and healthier Mediterranean sea.

Mr Green’s head office in Malta is surrounded by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. As part of raising awareness of the sea’s state of health, Mr Green will help to gather data in a scientific study of the sea and the Maltese beaches, and to further spread that knowledge and results to the public and environmental agencies.

The purpose of the study is, amongst other things, to find out in which places along the Maltese coastline is rubbish thrown into the sea, and where does it then gather. This will help environmental agencies gain a better understanding of the Maltese coastal dynamics and the movement of rubbish around the Maltese Islands and finally improve any recommendations for environmental strategy measures in the future.

The project also includes Masters Students in Marine Environmental Control from the British University of York. Together with Mr Green employees, these students will clean the beaches and waters around Malta and at the same time collect data on the state of the sea as part of an academic study on marine environment and plastics.

Mr Green employees participate in the project through a volunteer program and will join the University of York students on a special boat used in the project adorned with the well-known Mr Green logo – a standard of quality and trustworthiness, wouldn’t you agree?

Mr Green Clean the Sea Team

Another of Mr Green’s initiatives is that all his employees have the opportunity to volunteer for various charity or environmental projects around the world and still receive their full pay and not lose their own personal vacation days.

This is just one of the many benefits that Mr Green employees receive. After reading this article, if you’re interested in working for Mr Green – Take a look at what’s available right here.


Jul 07, 2017