Volunteer Programe – Lara’s trip to India

The intention of our Volunteering Time Off Programme is to create community engagement opportunities for all employees of Mr Green that are meaningful, purposeful and helps those in need.
Read Lara’s blog post about her journey to India…
My daily job with Mr Green is as a Graphic Designer; thereby art is the essence of most of my time. It’s a talent I use to transmit happiness and entertainment on a daily base. I wanted to use this gift for higher purposes were I could give something back to different communities and transmit love and fun through art.
With the support and help of Mr Green Volunteer programme, I could fulfil my dream. I joined the Maltese NGO Right 2 Smile. Right 2 Smile has different volunteer programs one of which is the one-month placement in Bodhi Tree School in Gaya, India.
My role during this placement was to take care of the art activities, such as drawing lessons, colouring activities and decoration of classrooms. During the art lessons the children enjoyed scribbling and doodling, they let their imagination free without inhibitions or fear. It was a fantastic experience because I could transmit my skills for a greater good, doing something for a purpose.
During my free time, I offered to start a mural in the hall of the main school. I decided to draw a cute boy playing with a dog due to the fact that the children are familiar with it since at school they take care of a dog called Sheru. All the children were fascinated; one could see it in their eyes, the joy and the amusement. They were all pointing and saying, “Boy, Baby Boy”. Art is the easiest form of teaching one can use in my opinion and this definitely proves it.
This experience in itself was very empowering and beneficial for myself as it wasn’t the usual working environment I’m used to. The appreciation from the children was so encouraging and fulfilling. One could see and feel the children’s happiness. This gives me great joy and appreciation toward the little things that we might take for granted in our daily life. It’s an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life. Thank you, Mr Green.