The Ultimate Employee Journey – amazing career progression path in Mr Green Customer Service team

Upon joining the William Hill family, you’ll be welcomed with open arms into our 4-week intense training programme, designed to provide you with all the tools necessary to begin your career at William Hill!
Included in the Family tier is a complete 360° training workshop with our fully qualified in-house trainers taking you through all the various elements and processes of the casino, payments, responsible gaming, sportsbook, compliance teams and so much more.
What is included?
Four-weeks of fun but intense training filled with numerous sessions with in-house departments across the business. Most important will be the customer focused operations platforms and systems you will be using day-in and day-out. A 2-week time period will be dedicated to practical work like taking and processing tickets, chats and phone calls for new starters to practice and become comfortable using these tools.
What will be expected from me?
Attendance to all training sessions is a must. A pleasant, can-do attitude and a keen desire to learn and develop. Applicants are also expected to ask questions and interact. You must have experience working/handling with all 3 existing communication channels (email, chat and telephone).
All access including bookmarks, usernames and passwords will be provided – please confirm all are working. Remember, your usernames and passwords are your responsibility
Welcome to the Peer Tier. As the name suggests, the Peer Tier is where you will learn more about the people you work with and better understand how we all work together ‘on the same side’.
In this Tier we aim to support you, support our players LIVE through the assistance of Peer support.
What is included?
From the beginning you’ll be paired up with a buddy who will be there to support you throughout your first week.
To further encourage interaction and support from your peers, you will have a day dedicated to solely to ‘shadowing’. This means being placed with a peer from a higher tier so you can see how their dad-to-day duties are performed, this also means that they can shadow you too.
Competitive analysis: Alongside your team leader you’ll be encouraged to test, evaluate and review industry competitors. What makes great customer support? What can be improved? How can we be better and continue to improve?
A workshop will also be included based around different personalities and fun exercises.
What will be expected from me?
We have high expectations from our customer support specialists and more importantly, so do our customers and we expect that same high standard from you.
This Tier also embodies the values and importance of teamwork, alongside the relevance of understanding everyone’s part in making the customer experience as enjoyable and professional as possible.
Within this tier you are required to attend a Splunk, promotions and Zendesk recap.
In the Quality Tier, we take your standard of work to the next level! You’ll be given the tools to best handle complaints, retain customers and deliver the very best customer experience.
Understanding what makes excellent and award-winning customer service is the objective of the Quality Tier. Our aim is to ensure you are equipped to deliver quality and excellence, all the while keeping your ‘Eyes on the customer’.
What is included?
“Stop complaining and start completing” – partake in a complaints workshop with our in-house complaints team.
Learn the best way to handle complaints from analysing factors like when the customer joined, what they played to understanding if the problem could have been avoided from the very start. You’ll also gain new insights into player retention.
You will also spend some time shadowing the complaints team.
Your very own customised dashboard will be created which will allow you to view your own personal stats including C-Sat chat, email C-Sat, how many ‘First Touch’ tickets you personally solved and how many players you have retained.
What will be expected from me?
As a Quality Tier specialist, you will be expected to hit monthly targets. Retention of customers will play a major part in your daily duties. We also expect you to take ownership in trying to solve customer queries from their very first contact (First touch). And of course, always trying to hit your email and chat C sat targets.
It is also a requirement to send objection handled cases you resolved to your team leader directly.
The Involvement Tier teaches you more about Responsible Gaming, Fraud and other interesting topics that open paths to becoming more involved in operations on a whole.
Learn to see things from a different department’s perspective and really ‘Give a damn’ when it comes to ensuring our players have fun in a safe and responsible environment and to ensure no one is harmed through gambling.
What is included?
A training program built around responsible gaming and the understanding of the psychological side of addiction/gaming. Following this, you will shadow our responsible gaming team.
A Fraud team shadowing session will also be available that will give you the opportunity to understand the day to day complexities of Fraud prevention.
In this tier, you will not only be involved with other departments but with our newer Customer Support specialists. Some of your time will be dedicated to LIVE floor walking where you will be on hand to assist specialists with any questions on hand (arranged by your TL).
What will be expected from me?
All Responsible Gaming tasks must be completed and meet the minimum of requirements for this section of your tier.
You are to create test chats (only to be co-ordinated along with a TL), for our new specialists working based upon responsible gaming issues. Afterwards, providing any helpful feedback and learnings.
As an Involvement Team member, you will be expected to be fully knowledgeable in our procedures and systems to be able to help newer specialists. Retention and first touch tickets are still expected to be met in this tier.
You’ve made it to our fifth and final tier! Now is the time to share your knowledge and interact with operations and William Hill as a whole.
As a senior specialist we want to see you on the other side, teaching and passing on all you have learnt and to really ‘own it’.
What is included?
In this final tier you will be empowered to hold your own workshop, interact with our new specialists in the academy and to have your first one-on-one with our Talent manager to discuss your career path within the company.
A coaching role will be added to your set of skills, allowing you to work with your TL to develop the quality monitoring and grading scheme for customer service. It will be your duty and responsibility to help, guide and mentor our newer specialists and support their development through side by side meetings.
Interaction tier specialists will be involved in new tasks, coaching, creating help articles, translations and other tasks.
What will be expected from me?
Having made it to our Interaction tier, you will be our most senior customer support specialist, so a higher expectation will be expected of you. You will be a positive influence and role model for those new to the role of specialist and William Hill.
You will be expected to proactively hold your own workshops, assist with the academy and training team and carry out side-by-sides with those in our peer tier.
Here you would be required to get the feedback from your team and create new help articles. Set up shadow sessions, side-by-sides and workshops. Following this, you will hold ‘Gold talks’ for new agents out of academy and question and answer sessions.