Mr Green’s Christmas Adventure

Will you collect all of Mr Green’s daily Christmas gift-globes? There’s 46 days of the very best offerings out of Mr Green’s gift catalogue, from holidays and gadget goodies to slot Free Spins, sports Free Bets and of course, cash rewards that will keep even the most tight-fisted Scrooge giggling throughout Christmas!
Every day has its very own snow-globe, simply log in to your Mr Green account, click on ‘Today’s Gift’ in the navigation bar and shake to reveal the gift waiting within.
Here’s the biggest difference this year, in order to qualify for the day’s gift, you MUST ‘Opt In’ by selecting the Opt In button that appears when the day’s gift is revealed.
Failure to Opt In would mean missing out on the day’s offer even if you’ve completed all the qualifying requirements.
Oh, and don’t forget to have a ‘marvellous’ Christmas!